fashion victims paradise - the whole world is falling down       

Donnerstag, 18. August 2005
flickr spammer

pornomat spammte mich an:

Benjamin Vigier = Tuxfre

Man known as tuxfre its
He name Benjamin Vigier
A date :
tél. +33
fax +33

Recognized specialist in sphere of informatics [MAC SPECIALIST] but proofs of
its at camera about it genuine

His fotos under the shower

and when his masturbate on a yahoo


learn the fuckin language you clown.
abuse message out to flickr and already answered!

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abuse raus an die flickr admins, da kenn ich nix mehr, seit mir so typen mal bilder von ihren rasierten pimmeln geschickt haben, mir ist heute noch schlecht.

... link

Sorry for the spam..

excuse me for this it's the ex of my girlfriend, he's jealous and uses hacking and fakes to "ruin my life" (real quote from him)

this guy already had way much coverage with this....

I want to appologize also on the fact that I don't answer in german, but my german is... really bad

Auf viedersehen ;)

... link

... Comment

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last updated: 25.02.20, 05:56
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