fashion victims paradise - the whole world is falling down       

Montag, 2. September 2002
da hab ich gelacht:

"it is a free country, after all. well, at least until i get elected.
then you'll see.
my first act in office will be to establish the platypus as the national animal.
i have nothing against bald eagles, but wouldn't it be cool to have the platypus as our national animal?
oh, sure, some people might whine about the fact that the platypus is in no way indigenous to north america, but so what? neither are most of the people who live in north america. so wouldn't it make sense to take some utterly bizarre antipodean creature and make it our national animal?
and how about a new national anthem? i nominate 'happy birthday' as our new national anthem. it's simple, everyone knows it, and it's almost impossible to fuck up when you're singing it. let me actually count, how many words are in 'happy birthday'...
happy. birthday. to. you. dear. pro-noun.
6 words.
as the united states continues its entropic slide into illiteracy wouldn't it make sense to have a national anthem that only has 6 words?"

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macht der mann

eigentlich auch witze gegen / über eminem, oder versohlt der ihm ausserhalb der öffentlichkeit den hintern?

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