fashion victims paradise - the whole world is falling down       

Dienstag, 31. Oktober 2006
oh mann, ist das alles deprimierend:

dealbreakers (dating turn-offs)

"2. Guys obsessed with feminine hygiene
It was that time of the month and after using the bathroom at this guy's apartment I came back a few minutes later to find that he'd rooted through the garbage and pulled out my USED FEMININE HYGIENE product!! He said he just wanted to know what was going on down there. Why not just ask??"

und hier:

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"4) My last true deal-breaker was the first time a guy took me to his house and I saw all those Carefree Pantyliners strewn about. Seriously. He said he used 'em in his hat to soak up sweat, but seriously..."

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es wird immer besser:

"Then there was the guy who was all too willing to please me. I told him once "You may not come over my place unless you bring some sort of slushie for me", and he actually did that."

haha, so einen kannte ich auch mal, den konnte man gut anrufen und sagen: mir ist langweilig, hol videos und eine pizza und komm vorbei. und er wohnte sehr weit weg!

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haha, das ist richtig gut:

"As a young and enthusiastic single... lookin' to mingle my primary deal breaker was "not punk enough". If a potential companion was not somewhere way, way outside of the societal norm I was *yawn* not interested. So, at age 33 I married a Canadian."

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das amerikaner anscheinend auch mal dreckig sind gerne:

"Hygiene is incredibly important too. Showering, using deodorant and a toothbrush and most importantly: WASH YOUR HANDS. ESPECIALLY before you touch food (mine, yours or anyone else's) and MORE ESPECIALLY before you even DREAM of putting your hands anywhere that only my boyfriend and my gyno will ever see."

(um nur einen von zahlreichen kommentaren mit diesem thema zu zitieren)

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