fashion victims paradise - the whole world is falling down       

Donnerstag, 31. Januar 2008

"I live outside of Italy and a few years back, I was in Italy and was discussing the new law giving "Gli Italiani All'estero"not only the right to vote but also representation in parliament (the most asine thing I ever heard). I was surprised that the Italians were not upset that the new law was going to allow representatives to vote on taxes, abortion, etc. without being affected themselves (since they live outside of Italy) by their vote. The answer from my cousin was: obvisiously you dont' understand Italian Politics. Those representatives cannot vote the way they want, the parties will tell them how to."

via beppe grillo

genau, take away the vote from all new york pizzaioli, die geschmacklose zutaten verwenden!!!
wieviel weiter sind wir in deutschland, wo leute nicht waehlen duerfen, die schon ihr ganzes leben hier verbracht haben, ja sogar hier geboren sind.

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