fashion victims paradise - the whole world is falling down       

Samstag, 12. April 2003
gute geschichten

erzaehlt herr praschl ueber cambodia.

ganz grosses zitat auch da:
"The Soviets had put up big posters in French on the doors of their nearby embassy, reading: "We are Communists, we are your brothers. Come forward with a French-speaking interpreter." The young Khmer Rouge hat looked at the posters, presumably without understanding a word, and then forced open the doors using Soviet B-40s! Once inside they searched out the diplomats and led them to the embassy refrigerator, from which they removed some eggs and broke them under the Russians´ noses. The Soviets had no idea what this gesture meant; implicitly, it accused them of revisionism - a true Communist, a Khmer, does not eat eggs; he puts a hen on them to hatch them so he can eat the chickens later, at a meal shared with his fellows."

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inklusion ich mache mich gleich
frei von allem, frauen sollen natuerlich alles mit ihren koerpern...
by mutant (10.05.18, 01:56)
dacht ichs doch.
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ja, kippa ist herrenbekleidung. /
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es gibt in deutschland nur
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die fans liessen mich
nicht gehn ;-)
by mutant (26.04.18, 10:51)
bei fb bin ich
schon lange weg – nie bereut.
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how i met my parzelle2
uschi (oder so aehnlich) holte dann ihren sohn und ihren...
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