fashion victims paradise - the whole world is falling down       

eine dosis pessimismus bitte!

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bei vice nehmen sie zuviel drogen,

aber manchmal lichtet sich das dunkel:

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das moechte ich euch nicht vorenthalten:

"Why do the Danes score so highly on international happiness surveys? Well, they do have high levels of trust and social cohesion, and do very nicely from industrial pork products, but according to the OECD they also work fewer hours per year than most of the rest of the world. As a result, productivity is worryingly sluggish. How can they afford all those expensively foraged meals and hand-knitted woollens? Simple, the Danes also have the highest level of private debt in the world (four times as much as the Italians, to put it into context; enough to warrant a warning from the IMF), while more than half of them admit to using the black market to obtain goods and services.

Perhaps the Danes' dirtiest secret is that, according to a 2012 report from the Worldwide Fund for Nature, they have the fourth largest per capita ecological footprint in the world. Even ahead of the US. Those offshore windmills may look impressive as you land at Kastrup, but Denmark is the EU's largest exporter of oil, and it still burns an awful lot of coal. Worth bearing that in mind the next time a Dane wags her finger at your patio heater."

ich liebe laender-bashing ;-)

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last updated: 25.02.20, 05:56
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inklusion ich mache mich gleich
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nicht gehn ;-)
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