fashion victims paradise - the whole world is falling down       

"It's on intermission, but it will never leave. Just come back after the break."

allan toussaint

"Ok, Gente, this is not a test. Check. It IS FUCKING real and whack, and I sit here with a double bladed axe and Louisville Slugger. A fellow Mish said I should send this, and I am freaked. I just came out of what I related to him...

It's unreal. Riots HERE in Opelousas ( 30 miles north of Lafayette and 2.5 hours west of N'awlins. Zydeco country.) First in the ghetto here last night and looting. Then this afternoon the New Orleans teen age "krewe" got into with the Opelousas kids and it got bad when they were trying to register them into OHS.

Last night, Lafayette Shooters, a large hunting supply store, read GUN SHOP, was broken into by a gang. They went and held up the WalMart down the street. Big time hold up; shit outta some John Singletary movie. Then came out here to Opelousas and a rerun... Fed the riot, I'm sure. Gang wars. And the Cash Money Krewe are wicked.

Smash and grabs, straight up grab and dashes at Albertsonsb& Broken Social Scene? Canada?! Ha! Fools. Come into my world! Do I need a nine?

Maybe. Social breakdown. We can't have these people here. Where's the National Guard and Red Cross or Salvation? (I know the answer to the first: The 256th are in IRAQ... And most of 'em are from Ward 9. Desperate. They know. That's why they joined.)

And then there's the fucking president... Laughing, "we'll re-build." Fool! This ain't September 11th, 2001, and that was contained. This cancer is hitting us in the pocket coast to coast. Home is where the hate is, Crawford Motherfucker!

Phew. Sorry. I haven't uncorked on no one. Sorry and thanks. Thanks for caring. We needs lots of it all over.

Impeach Bush.

von acadian ambulance.
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orte, an denen man nicht

sein moechte:


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have you got a bedbug? try fiery jack!

war mal ein lied von toy dolls.
eben bei polylux sieht man die bettwanzeninvasion in berlin.
igitt, hauptsadthass, hat man ja eh schon und zum gleuck schlafen die bekannten von da eh nicht bei uns.
ich kenn nur sackratten bisher, auch filzlaus genannt, kopflaeuse gibt es auch, auch kein spass.
wichtig ist ja immer:
konsequent bekaempfen. nicht so wie leute die sagen: ach, das kind hat ja an einem tag goldwasser oder wie das heisst am kopp gehabt, da kann es ja schon naechsten tag wieder in die schule.
jedes gesundheitsamt sagt: erst wieder in schule/kindergarten, wenn der arzt sagt: laeusefrei.
vielleicht naechtesmal zivilklage.

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last updated: 25.02.20, 05:56
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